How to Stop Water from Splashing in the Toilet Bowl

Most toilet users can confess that one of the most annoying experiences is ‘poop splash’ when using a toilet. In scientific terms, the phenomenon is known as the Worthington jet. Notably, the Worthington jet is a vertical water splash that occurs when poop hits bowl water with sufficient force. In this guide, we highlight some tips on how to stop water from splashing in the toilet bowl.

You might also have noticed water splashing in your toilet every time you flush it. The splash may leave water droplets on the toilet seat. The droplets make the commode undesirable to subsequent users or guests in your home. 

How to Stop Water from Splashing in the Toilet Bowl

If you have experienced poop splash in the past, you are well aware that it is an unpleasant experience. Moreover, water splashing on your orifices exposes you to various infections, including urinary tract infections. A poop splash also heightens your discomfort when using the toilet. 

You can prevent the Worthington jet from forming by laying a strip of toilet paper on the water in the toilet bowl. Ideally, about three squares are enough to cover the entire water surface area. The toilet paper layer curtails poop splash by reducing the impact of poop on the water. 

For toilets with an elongated bowl, you can stop water from splashing by adjusting your sitting position. You can sit towards the edge of the commode so that poop does not fall directly into the bowl water. A notable drawback of this technique is that it can leave sticky solid waste on the bowl’s interior surface. However, you can always flush more than once or scrub the bowl surface to get rid of stubborn stains. 

What to Do to Prevent Water from Splashing After Flushing

When you have guests in your house, the last thing you want is water splashing every time someone flushes the toilet. Bowl water backsplash often leaves water droplets on the toilet seats and bathroom walls. Here are some causes of bowl water backsplash and possible remedies. 

High Water Levels in the Toilet Bowl 

If you notice that the water level in your toilet bowl is relatively high, the chances are that water will splash when you flush the toilet. You should know that high water levels in your toilet bowl are attributable to a dysfunctional flapper. All you need to do is replace the flapper to solve this problem. 

You can change the flapper by yourself or hire a professional plumber. If you choose to do it yourself, you only require an assortment of simple tools, including a small bucket, latex gloves, pliers, and towels. Once you replace the flapper successfully, you should achieve a proper flush without a backsplash. 

Damaged Fill Valve

A damaged fill valve can cause a backsplash in your toilet bowl. Water ordinarily flows down to the toilet bowl through a standpipe when you flush the toilet. If the fill valve is broken, water typically splashes on the toilet seat and bathroom walls after every flush. It would be best to replace the damaged fill valve to stop water from splashing. 

Leaking Seals

If you notice that water splashes from your toilet every time you flush, you should check whether there are any leaking seals. Notably, most commodes have roughly six seals. The most critical seal is located between the cistern and the bowl. If the seal is broken, water will shoot up after every flush. 

You can solve this problem by replacing the broken seal. In replacing the seal, you should begin by draining and removing the cistern. You should then invert the cistern to access, remove and replace the damaged seal. Remember to tighten the bolt that holds the seal to curtail the leaking. 

Low Water Level in the Toilet Bowl 

Lower than usual water levels in the toilet bowl can contribute to a backsplash. Moreover, low water levels make every flush inefficient. You should know that clogged inlet holes prevent bowl water from reaching normal levels. The problem is prevalent in homes with a hard water supply.

You can pour hot vinegar on the toilet’s overflow tube to unclog the inlet holes. You should then leave the commode for at least one hour for the hot vinegar to eat away existing mineral deposits. Finish the process by inserting a wire in the inlet holes to remove any persistent mineral deposits. Once you flush the toilet, you will notice water rising to normal levels in the toilet bowl. 

Adjust The Toilet’s Floating Arm

If the cistern’s floating arm is improperly positioned, there are high chances that water will splash in the toilet bowl after every flush. Adjusting the tank’s floating arm allows you to change the maximum water level in the cistern. Note that the higher the water pressure in the cistern, the higher the force of water flowing into the toilet bowl. Notably, high-pressure water increases the likelihood of a backslash in the toilet bowl. 

You can adjust the position of the cistern’s floating arm by turning the screw. Typically, turning the screw clockwise allows you to raise the arm. Meanwhile, turning the screw counterclockwise enables you to lower its position. 

Can Toilet Bowl Water Backsplash Cause Health Problems?

When toilet water splashes on your skin or orifices, it is not unusual to wonder if you might catch an infection. You should know that water in the toilet bowl contains wide-ranging pathogens which can cause infections. The most common infection associated with bowl water backsplash is urinary tract infection.

However, you are unlikely to contract STDs from the toilet bowl water backsplash. The pathogens that cause STDs can only survive in bodily mucous membranes. Additionally, the pathogens die within seconds of exposure to environments outside the human body. 

Final Thoughts

Water splashing in the toilet can irritate you and your guests or expose you to infections. You need to know the specific causes of the backsplash in your commode to solve the problem. If high water levels in your toilet bowl are the primary cause of backsplash, you should consider replacing the flapper. Likewise, you can replace toilet seals if they cause a backsplash. If the problem persists, consult a professional plumber or consider replacing your toilet.

Smith Edwards

Smith Edwards is a licensed plumber and writer with over a decade of hands-on construction and home improvement experience and has been providing home improvement advice for over 12 years. Along with his wife Julie, they are bathroom experts from home improvement to shaving and everything in between!

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